Find Your Perfect Hospitality Job: The Ultimate Guide

By Ram

25 Sep 2023

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Embarking on a career in the diverse and bustling hospitality industry? From self-assessment to ongoing skill development, this concise guide will help you navigate your way to your perfect job.

1. Self-Assessment

Begin with understanding your interests and strengths. Whether you’re a social butterfly aiming for front-of-house roles or have culinary skills that make you a great fit for a sous-chef position, knowing your strengths helps target your job search effectively.

2. Research

The hospitality industry is a broad field, covering everything from hotels to travel and tourism. Research different sectors and companies to find the one that aligns with your interests and career goals. Get to know the roles and career paths available to make an informed decision.

3. Education and Qualifications

Some jobs may require specialised degrees, while others need just a high-school diploma. Certifications like TIPS and WSET can give you an edge. Check if your target companies offer training programs to enhance your skills further.

4. Job Search

Platforms like Recipeat, Indeed, and LinkedIn are great places to start your job search. Also, consider applying directly on Recipeat to fast-track your applications compared to other job boards. Networking via events hosted by Recipeat can prove to be an added advantage for your hospitality job search.

5. Application Process

Customise your resume and cover letter to highlight relevant experience and skills. Keep your Recipeat profile updated to reflect your career aspirations in the hospitality sector. By doing so, you will always be the first to know about jobs and pay scales that match your criteria.

6. Interview Preparation

Prepare for common interview questions and consider mock interviews to gain confidence. Dressing professionally can leave a lasting impression on your potential employers. Check this article by Recipeat to see common questions asked across Interviews.

7. Post-Interview

Follow up with a thank-you email post-interview and be prepared for salary negotiations. This not only shows your enthusiasm but also keeps you on the radar of the hiring managers. We have listed down the best practices and emails to send out to recruiters to increase your placement rate!

8. Onboarding and Beyond

When you first join a company in the hospitality industry, orientation sessions are your initial introduction to the company’s culture, policies, and work procedures. Don’t just passively attend—actively participate, ask questions, and get to know your teammates. This is your chance to understand what the company values and how you can fit into that vision.

The First 90 Days

The initial 90 days are a critical period that often sets the tone for your time at the company. Use this time wisely:

  • Consistent Performance: Consistency is key. Whether it’s showing up on time, meeting all your responsibilities, or going above and beyond in service delivery, your colleagues and supervisors will notice.
  • Eagerness to Learn: The hospitality industry is all about service excellence, which can always be improved upon. Show your willingness to learn, be it through asking for feedback, taking up additional tasks, or suggesting new ways to improve service.

Building Relationships

A large part of success in hospitality relies on teamwork and communication. Make a concerted effort to establish good working relationships with your colleagues, supervisors, and even clients. This will not only make your work environment more enjoyable but also open doors for career progression.

Continuing Education and Career Development

It would always help to upskill yourself when thinking about career advancement. It is unreasonable to expect a higher salary or promotion without learning new skills to apply in a work environment. In this industry, it could be:

  • Customer Service Techniques: Mastering the art of customer service can set you apart. Special courses and workshops can help you learn the nuances.
  • Beverages: If you feel you’re well-versed in the Food side of the business, start learning about Beverages and how you can pair them with food.

Ongoing Learning

Make a habit of continuous learning throughout your job search. This can be through:

  • Online Courses: Many platforms offer courses specifically tailored for the hospitality industry.
  • Workshops and Seminars: These are excellent opportunities for hands-on learning and networking.
  • Mentorship: Consider seeking a mentor within the industry to guide you through your career path.

Last but not the least, don’t just apply everywhere. Research companies that align with your values, interests, and career goals. Customise your resume and cover letter for each application. Highlight experiences and skills that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Never stop learning. The more skills you have, the more valuable you become as an employee, making you a more attractive candidate for your dream job.

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